
SaltwatercauseissueswiththedronescircuitsbesttosendittoaProtorepairortoDji.,HimyMavicair2,boughtinJunecrashedyesterday.Anobstaclecouldn'tbeavoided.I'dlikeittobereplaced,orifnotpossibletobuya ...,LastweekafterissuingRTH,theMA2headedtowardsthehomepointdirectionbutflewpastitandhitabrickwall4metersbehind.Therewasno ...,ThisistheDJIMavicAir2crashtestthatyou'vebeenwaitingforsolong:D.Thedroneistough,...

Mavic air 2 crash at sea,navigation error after repair

Salt water cause issues with the drones circuits best to send it to a Pro to repair or to Dji.

mavic air 2 crashed

Hi my Mavic air 2,bought in June crashed yesterday.An obstacle couldn't be avoided.I'd like it to be replaced,or if not possible to buy a ...

Mavic Air 2 frontal crash into wall during RTH

Last week after issuing RTH, the MA2 headed towards the home point direction but flew past it and hit a brick wall 4 meters behind. There was no ...


This is the DJI Mavic Air 2 crash test that you've been waiting for so long :D. The drone is tough, but will it be as tough as it gets?

Mavic AIR 2 crash and DJI repair process???

Short recap: Crashed my Air 2 into a tree and the gimbal arms broke, camera is fine but dangling from the wires. Called DJI to inquire about ...

Why did my Mavic Air 2 fall out of the sky after 1 minute of flight?

After thirty minutes of searching, I finally discovered that it had apparently fallen out of the sky and crashed into someone's backyard.

Mavic air 2 disconnected mid flight and crashed out : rdji

I was just flying my drone when it disconnected mid flight and slammed into a pile of rocks at my local park. I was flying it 30-45 minutes ...

Crashed my Mavic Air 2 : rdji

Ended up with a broken arm which I luckily managed to repair for very cheap and the drone was back up and running. The lack of side sensors on ...

DJI Mavic Air 2 S Gimbal Surgery After a Crash

In this video, we're going to be taking a look at how to repair a DJI Mavic Air 2 S Gimbal after a crash. This gimbal is a very important ...

DJI AIR 2S vs MAVIC AIR 2 Crash Durability

In this video I compare the crashes I have had with the DJI AIR 2S vs MAVIC AIR 2 and I am surprised by the results!